2018-10-20 Meeting

DG Community Meeting 2018-10-20


Tenbears Running: says this in voice and in text chat

Hello everyone, please be seated.

We reserved the first ten minutes to let people set up their voice chat.

We are not expecting you to have to speak in voice, but we do need you to be able to hear us speak.

[In text chat] I said in voice what I just typed in chat.

[In text chat] Is there anyone who cannot hear us? Let us know now and we will help you with the settings.

[Spoken and text chat] Also, we want to give priority seating to our local residents. If we start to fill up we need to ask visitors to make room for our locals – we truly appreciate that.


Angel Discovery

Greetings, let me introduce to you the Discovery Grid administrators: Jay Copperfield, Lindee Ellsmere (our newest admin), and Tenbears Running. Our grid manager & CEO is Balpien Hammerer.

Transitions Speech

Hello and welcome to the Discovery Grid community meeting, October 2018.

It is great to see so many of you here. :)

Hasn’t it been an exciting time for the grid since our last community meeting!

Things are more settled now, regions are being created with some awesome and wonderous things, music is touching the soul all over the place and people seem to be having a good time.

It truly is a joy to log into the grid nowadays and see how many people are around.


Some interesting background about Discovery Grid

When Gregg decided to walk away from the grid, he handed it over to me in a very broken state.

But with the help of a dedicated group of people Discovery Grid has become an outstanding grid with some of the best people in the Metaverse!

However, the problem for me was it was a sudden situation and I had no preparation time for taking over but I didn’t want the grid to just finish up.

I was concerned about the people who had items and money invested in the grid and at the very least I wanted people to have the opportunity to retrieve things.

So, moving to current times, you see around you a strong community, beautiful regions and wonderful people. And this is directly the result of a lot of time and effort of the Admin Team.


Which leads me to the most important statement of my Discovery Grid life.

As many of you know, I haven’t been in-grid much of late and the reason is because I’ve been having serious health issues since the start of the year.

Since August 29th 2017, when I took over ownership and management of the grid, I have had the support of the incredible admin team to help run the grid.

Given my state of declining health throughout this year, the admins have basically been running the grid and I’ve been attending weekly meetings to discuss, confirm, input etc. whatever needs to be done for the grid.

However, it has become apparent that my health must be given priority at this time (and no I’m not dying) and that the grid needs strong and observable leadership in order to continue flourishing and growing with people in a place where we all want to be.

Because I care very deeply for the grid and for the people here, I made the heart wrenching decision to hand total control and ownership of the grid to Balpien Hammerer.

The management team already works closely with Balpien so the transition was seamless.

In fact nothing changed outwardly as you will have noticed. :)

Thank you to everyone for your support over the time of my ownership of Discovery Grid, you honestly have no idea how extremely important it has been for me.

While I am stepping down from the pressure position of owner of the grid, I will still be part of the grid and I will still be part of the admin team albeit it in a less stressful and visible way.

My first tasks will be to work on improving the knowledge base. Anything you think should be included in the knowledge base, send your comments to me in a notecard please.

And now, I will hand you over to the new owner of Discovery Grid, Balpien Hammerer.


Balpien Hammerer

On Transitions

Thank you, Angel, for your love and care of the grid during your tenure which has given us a great North Star to follow. We all wish you the best in your rest and recuperation, hoping that the reduced duties and less pressure on you will hasten that recovery. As to the grid ownership transfer, I can guess residents might have noticed I and the admin team were quite busy handling the grid work for many months. We all planned this transition quite a while ago with the goal of having no disruptions to the business. In that regard we have been successful, albeit some changes had to happen to accommodate the rapid growth we experienced recently.

This transition is a business continuance with a formal ownership change that reflects the changes that happened months ago. Fortunately our TOS was written to let us weather such changes and just carry on. We are financially solvent, we have good reserves, and we are on a trajectory of steady improvements of our service.

State of the Grid

We have not had a community meeting since the great influx happened three months ago. We experienced a bundle of growing pains and not much sleep as we expanded the grid to accommodate all the new and wonderful residents to our virtual community. We went from three region servers to six in short order, and I just added two new servers a few days ago, so that places us at eight region servers. At this point we are in a gentle growth cycle, which gives our staff needed relief and also gives them the freedom to address the typical set of issues that crop up in a timely manner. Our new support ticket system also helps considerably to speed up our problem resolution time.

The World

To give you a sense of this grid’s growth, I will show you several views of the community area of the grid. This first snapshot was taken late May this year;

This second one was taken in July;

The third one is from August;

finally, the last one was taken five days ago.

You can see the rapid growth of the grid during this time period with oceans blossoming to connect to all the new regions.

At this juncture we have over 100 million square kilometers in connective ocean regions that we sponsor for you. One of the important concepts and goals for this grid is to offer contiguous travel space between all the private estates for people who wish to be connected to the community. So, when you acquire your private region (or regions), we guarantee at least one connection to an ocean.

We are also mindful of the limitations of OpenSim with its lack of object occlusion, so we strive to minimize the number of neighboring regions to your private regions. Three to four neighbors is our preferred maximum neighbor count, and this is why when you look at the world map you see the pattern of rings of oceans. I also adjusted the simulators to reduce the bandwidth significantly from neighboring regions. The neighbor bandwidth is reduced to one third to keep the lag away.

Always on connectivity

Many of us are vehicle nuts, so another grid goal is to maintain decent physics performance. To do this we do not oversubscribe our region servers. Each server has a set limit of main region prims, and a set of light duty regions which are primarily our oceans. Main regions are the ones people acquire for their private estates. The point of this mix is to make certain the main regions are committed with all of the resources they need for moderate use. The ocean regions can be squeezed should several main regions need even more resources for a short time; think big parties or big club events or a massive pirate battle play. This model ensures performance is solid in a wide number of scenarios.

So, our ocean regions are both resource buffers and also travel zones. We want you to fly or sail through them. And too, where they connect to private regions, we must always be mindful of being neighborly. Tenbears will touch on that topic.


Tenbears Running

Being neighborly is very important. If you are connected to the community oceans you must allow object entry and enable scripts for everyone. Otherwise we will be happy to relocate your region to our isolated section if you desire complete privacy. Connecting to the community means you commit to being neighborly. You should, at the very least, create a sizeable parcel along the connecting ocean that permits people to enter, turn around and leave. Remember that you have 16 to 64 regions worth of land, for each 4x4 or 8x8 region, which means there is room enough to be neighborly as well as have the majority of your region be private.


Lindee Ellsmere

I just wanted to remind everyone that the tier on regions you own is paid monthly. We currently do not have an "auto payment" function on our billing system, but you can pre-pay your tier for up to 3 months by going to your dashboard at https://discoverygrid.net and clicking on the "Pay/Prepay Tier" button. The Terms of Service (or the TOS) describes the billing cycles and what happens when your tier becomes overdue. Please read it, because this is something you agreed to when you created your avatar.

The part to always be mindful of is this: Understand that it is your responsibility to pay your region tier on time whether or not you get a notice. Paying the tier is like paying rent or mortgage. The main reason we are letting you know this is that many emails to you are bouncing and that includes the tier reminders and overdue notices. What we found is that in a few cases the email addresses given by people have been abandoned or they are unmonitored. But the majority of the problem lies with email providers bouncing emails sent to outlook.com, yahoo.com, live.com, and hotmail.com. It just takes a few people declaring our email as spam to blacklist a domain, and this has happened to our billing domain. We suggest you use some other ISP, such as gmail.com which has a more enlightened approach to spam.

Please feel free to contact me about any billing issues you have or any questions that come up by sending a support ticket with the problem you are having clearly explained. We are always happy to help.


Balpien Hammerer

Some Solutions

Changing your email provider is one way to deal with this problem, but we do understand that is not always an easy thing to do. I am working to implement a tier reminder system that IMs avatars so that if your emails are bouncing at least you get to see the notices when you go inworld.

Tier Billing

Another change in the works is we are going to switch away from the current invoice based system, which is more complicated than we need, to a simpler integrated reminder and pay system that is accessed directly at the DG WEB portal. This will eliminate having two accounts (your avatar account and another billing account). This is something that has been a source of confusion for people. I will get into more details on this new system in the coming month once it is ready to demonstrate.

Terrain Loading

We were receiving complaints about how long terrain takes to load on the large 8x8 regions. We assumed this was a problem unique to DiscoveryGrid, but just to be certain we dropped in on other major grids to measure the terrain loading time. We were surprised to find that, for the same sized region, our terrain loading was practically identical to the other major grids. The difference is we offer 8x8 regions (that is equivalent to 64 standard regions in terms of land mass). Other grids seem to stop at 6x6 which is approximately half the land mass of an 8x8 region.

To mitigate the huge land masses and minute long terrain loading, I switched some regions from the lawnmower terrain loading mode to viewer draw distance mode. Lawnmower mode is where the terrain loads starting at the southwest corner working west to east then slowly to the north. Viewer draw distance loads the terrain directly under the arriving avatar’s feet then works outward to his/her draw distance. This is must faster approach and you see the nearby terrain instantly. A nice side effect of changing how terrain is loaded is that it speeds up the render times for mesh avatars.

I will be changing all regions to draw terrain based on viewer draw distance, but this can be changed on a region by region basis.

Future Changes

There are several changes and new features coming up in the coming months, like classifieds, and they will get announced when they are ready to be turned on. We are also considering some procedural changes. We would like to get feedback from you about them:

We have two currencies. Our local Discovery Coins (DC$) are purchased from and cashed out by PODEX. We also have Gloebits and those are purchased by and cashed out by the Gloebit Company. I do need to remind everyone that the grid does not do virtual to or from real money conversions. We hand that responsibility to these two companies as they handle all the government required paperwork for that activity. Any money conversion issues you run into are dealt by them.

Flexible Currency

That said, at present, Gloebit transactions happen only in The “Gloebit Island” region and the rest of the grid transacts in DC$. But, now that some technical issues with the two money modules have been resolved, we are considering letting region owners decide which currency they want their region to use. Only one kind of currency can be transacted in a region, and we have to limit how often that can be changed to no more than once a quarter. Doing it any faster means a lot of staff time would be involved. Is this something that interests people? Let us know.


We are looking for new greeters to help out newcomers set themselves up, help them find what they need, and handle some of the day to day issues that an experienced person can smooth over. If anyone is interested in being a greeter, please send me a notecard. Let me know if you have performed these duties elsewhere.

News and Announcement External Forums

We post announcements in several places: in the DG WEB site, the OpenSim viewers (which you see on the viewer splash page before you log in), in the Google+ “DiscoveryGrid Community” group, and in the “DiscoveryGrid” Facebook forum page. We have noticed that not many people are looking at either the Facebook or Google+  group, and so this brings up a few questions: Can we get rid of the Google+ group? How about the FaceBook page? Do you want us to use some other forum?

Another consideration is that Google+ has been canceled by Google (the company) so it is going away in ten months. The entire OpenSim community is actively discussing other possibilities. If you are interested in following the discussion, go to hypergridbusiness.com to read up on the latest.


Jay Copperfield

We need your feedback to determine our next steps in improving the grid. How are things going for you? If you have problems or continuing issues we DO want to hear about them, but please be specific. We have a support portal on the DG WEB site. Log in to https://discoverygrid.net with your avatar name and password. Click on the “Support Portal” button and file tickets for the specific problems. And too, let’s hear your questions now. Say them in text chat so that we can record them. We will try to answer the ones we can and get back to you on the ones that might take more time for us to respond.

If you have a question, to keep the confusion down please type your Name in local chat and you will be called on by name….Thank you!

Meeting Chat Log
The following is the chat log during the meeting. The transcript above is what was said in voice during the following text chats. 

[13:42] Froot Loops: I'm smiling all day long while I'm working

[13:42] Keira Alzael: Halllloooooos

[13:42] Keira Alzael: I heard you Angel

[13:43] Bastien Falconvale: Loud and clear, Angel.

[13:43] Keira Alzael: yay

[13:43] MrMikie String: Hello Bastien

[13:43] Keira Alzael: yes

[13:44] Bastien Falconvale: Hello, Mike. Good to see you again.   *smiles*

[13:44] Keira Alzael: me too!

[13:45] Scott Carpaccio entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:45] Froot Loops: I embarrass myself every time I talk, so my mic is powered off

[13:46] Glitz Carpaccio entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:46] Jay Copperfield: LOL

[13:46] Keira Alzael: lol

[13:46] MrMikie String: Hi Scott

[13:46] Keira Alzael: nearby chat window will be open during video

[13:47] Scott Carpaccio: Hi Mikie, Patti

[13:47] Austin Shepherd entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:47] PattiakSahara String: hugs Scott

[13:47] Tenbears Running: Scott, glad you could make it over

[13:47] Arton Tripsa entered the region (68.67 m).

[13:47] Kitty Sarrasine entered the region (68.57 m).

[13:47] Glitz Carpaccio: Hello Friends,,everyone

[13:47] Scott Carpaccio: yes thank you, i wasnt sure

[13:48] MrMikie String: Hi Glitz

[13:48] PattiakSahara String: Hugs Glitz, ntsy!!

[13:48] Tenbears Running: This will be in voice, and a nc of the information will be made available

[13:48] Glitz Carpaccio: Hi and hugs to you both

[13:48] PattiakSahara String: Hi and Hugs to everyone I missed!!

[13:48] Calnia Westland is online.

[13:49] Calnia Westland entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:50] Kitty Sarrasine left the region.

[13:50] Bastien Falconvale: Looks good.

[13:50] Tenbears Running: Austin, you will want to turn you voice on, if you use it at all

[13:51] Balpien Hammerer: Turn on voice so that you can hear the presentations.

[13:51] Calnia Westland: Hi everyone  :)

[13:51] Jay Copperfield: Hi Calnia!

[13:51] Bastien Falconvale: Hello, Calnia.

[13:51] PattiakSahara String: Hi Calnia,ntsy!!

[13:51] Tenbears Running: Cal, hello

[13:51] Balpien Hammerer: heelo calnia.

[13:52] Arton Tripsa: hi calnia

[13:52] Lindee Ellsmere: Hello Calnia and everyone :-)

[13:52] Calnia Westland: smiles...i heard that  :)

[13:52] Bastien Falconvale waves to Lindee

[13:52] PattiakSahara String: Hi Arton, ntsy!!

[13:52] Lindee Ellsmere: Hi Bastien!!!

[13:52] Scott Carpaccio: glitz is working on it

[13:52] Tenbears Running: Arton, thx for coming over, we know it is early for many folks on your side of the Globe

[13:52] Arton Tripsa: lol no prob Ten

[13:53] Austin Shepherd: I have been working with Talia all this week but we have not been able to make her voice work.

[13:53] Arton Tripsa: Hi Pattiak

[13:53] Austin Shepherd: Tried just about everything.

[13:53] Kitty Sarrasine entered the region (23.30 m).

[13:53] Angel Discovery: can she hear even if she can't talk?

[13:53] Calnia Westland: that's so frustrating, Austin

[13:53] Tenbears Running: Veiwer she uses? And what version?

[13:53] Froot Loops pokes at the sounds thingy and scratches her head "howz this thing work?"

[13:54] MrMikie String: is the mic plugged in?

[13:54] Angel Discovery: and I have to use Singularity to get my voice to work

[13:54] Arton Tripsa: brb need tea

[13:54] Lily Lightcloud entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:55] Froot Loops bats playfully at the little white dot over her head

[13:55] Austin Shepherd: I don't have a mike plugged in but I can hear.

[13:55] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster entered the region (68.66 m).

[13:55] Balpien Hammerer: That's fine austin.

[13:55] Jay Copperfield: Grins at Froot!

[13:55] Balpien Hammerer: We just need people to have voice enabled so that they can hear out presentatiton.

[13:55] Balpien Hammerer: You do not have to speak.

[13:55] PattiakSahara String: Hi Kitty, ntsy!!

[13:55] Balpien Hammerer: In fact resonding by text chat is better b ecause then we can save the chat.

[13:56] Kitty Sarrasine: meow

[13:56] Balpien Hammerer: Kalt'xti

[13:56] PattiakSahara String: Hi Lily, ntsy!!

[13:56] Calnia Westland waves hi to Lily

[13:56] Balpien Hammerer: that too!

[13:56] ic Twinkies: lol

[13:56] Lily Lightcloud: HI Everyone

[13:56] Lindee Ellsmere: Hi Lily!

[13:56] MrMikie String: Hi Lily

[13:56] ic Twinkies: hi hi

[13:56] Tenbears Running: Lily, hello

[13:57] Bastien Falconvale: Hello, Lily.

[13:57] Lily Lightcloud: HI Ten, Hi Bastien, HI Cal

[13:57] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster left the region.

[13:57] Keira Alzael: Hello

[13:58] Glitz Carpaccio: hugs Lily

[13:58] Lily Lightcloud: smiles, Hugs Glitz

[13:58] Maximillian Svarovski is online.

[13:58] Balpien Hammerer: a little soft game start music.

[13:58] Winterlight Bellic entered the region (68.62 m).

[13:58] Keira Alzael: :D

[13:58] Phoenix Enigma entered the region (68.67 m).

[13:59] Calnia Westland: Keira, I cannot see you at all!  Maybe i should relog

[13:59] LouisAlexandre deLaunay entered the region (68.61 m).

[13:59] Amantha Cooper is offline.

[13:59] Ciena Wyllo entered the region (12.73 m).

[13:59] Angel Discovery: Do I hear nice music from somewhere?

[13:59] Yichard Muni entered the region (12.65 m).

[13:59] Keira Alzael: no you are fine

[13:59] Irisa Duncan entered the region (71.32 m).

[13:59] Keira Alzael: I have on alpha layer so I don't show up in video :D

[13:59] Kayaker Magic is online.

[13:59] Maximillian Svarovski entered the region (12.73 m).

[13:59] Amantha Cooper is online.

[14:00] Lily Lightcloud: HI Phoenix

[14:00] Winterlight Bellic: Hi Risa!

[14:00] Phoenix Enigma: Hi Lily

[14:00] Winterlight Bellic gives Irisa a hug

[14:00] Calnia Westland: Hi Phoenix!

[14:00] Keira Alzael: There's a disc out Angel, in front of Bal

[14:00] hotcuddly bear entered the region (12.73 m).

[14:00] Phoenix Enigma: Hi Cal

[14:00] Esparanza Freese entered the region (12.59 m).

[14:00] Bastien Falconvale: Welcome, Risa mine. And hey...  nice costume, Winter.

[14:00] Arton Tripsa: Gotta cup of tea - I just turned into a human being - hi everyone 1

[14:00] Winterlight Bellic: thank you

[14:00] Sheltie Moomintoog entered the region (12.73 m).

[14:00] Winterlight Bellic: I enjoy being the Demon Queen

[14:00] talia rosher entered the region (68.61 m).

[14:00] Winterlight Bellic: I may stay this way

[14:00] Calnia Westland: tea sounds good!

[14:01] Esparanza Freese: Hi Max

[14:01] Bastien Falconvale: lol

[14:01] PattiakSahara String: Welcome everyone!!

[14:01] Verde Otaared entered the region (69.55 m).

[14:01] Neytiri Omatikaya entered the region (12.73 m).

[14:01] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster entered the region (69.61 m).

[14:01] Maximillian Svarovski: hi Espie

[14:01] jamie akina entered the region (15.30 m).

[14:01] Glitz Carpaccio: hi Max

[14:01] Calnia Westland: Hi Jamie  :)

[14:01] Glitz Carpaccio: hugs Espie

[14:01] Verde Otaared left the region.

[14:01] Kayaker Magic entered the region (68.61 m).

[14:01] Esparanza Freese: Hi Glitz

[14:02] Maximillian Svarovski: hello all :-)

[14:02] MoonMaiden Horner entered the region (68.67 m).

[14:02] Hazumi Kaze entered the region (12.18 m).

[14:02] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to everyone*

[14:02] Magnum 44 entered the region (15.73 m).

[14:02] Tenbears Running: Hello everyone, please be seated.

[14:02] Winterlight Bellic: hi Neytiri

[14:02] Modee Parlez is online.

[14:02] Phoenix Enigma: Hi Jamie

[14:02] Neytiri Omatikaya: whoa IC hi!

[14:02] Tenbears Running: We reserved the first ten minutes to let people set up their voice chat.

[14:02] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to Froot*

[14:02] ic Twinkies: hi

[14:02] Kira Whitehawk entered the region (68.60 m).

[14:02] Tenbears Running: We are not expecting you to have to speak in voice, but we do need you to be able to hear us speak.

[14:02] Kith Whitehawk entered the region (68.68 m).

[14:03] Froot Loops waves franticly at Neyney

[14:03] Balpien Hammerer: Glitz? No voice set up?

[14:03] Autumn 919 entered the region (15.60 m).

[14:03] Harmony Beningborough entered the region (10.04 m).

[14:03] Keira Alzael: Hey Kayaker yer back!

[14:03] Glitz Carpaccio: I am trying but seems not to work

[14:03] Balpien Hammerer: There are a couple of screenshots on how to set up voice.

[14:03] Fayre Scribe entered the region (68.60 m).

[14:03] Bastien Falconvale: Hey, Kayaker.

[14:03] Nicolas Hel entered the region (18.43 m).

[14:03] Modee Parlez entered the region (17.25 m).

[14:03] Winterlight Bellic: make sure to turn up your volume on voice specifically

[14:04] MrMikie String: sending TP's as fast as I can

[14:04] MoonMaiden Horner: or Im trying to loool

[14:04] Amantha Cooper entered the region (68.68 m).

[14:04] Ciena Wyllo: hello everyone

[14:04] sue brook entered the region (12.18 m).

[14:04] Drew Hunter entered the region (68.64 m).

[14:04] Fayre Scribe left the region.

[14:04] Scott Carpaccio: glitz will try relogging

[14:04] Kittylove stillwater entered the region (15.30 m).

[14:04] Glitz Carpaccio left the region.

[14:04] OldeSoul Eldemar is online.

[14:04] Tenbears Running: Also, we want to give priority seating to our local residents. If we start to fill up we need to ask visitors to make room for our locals – we truly appreciate that.

[14:04] Harmony Beningborough: Hello everyone :)

[14:04] Balpien Hammerer: If you cnnot hear us speaking please let us know in text chat.

[14:04] Bastien Falconvale: Hello, Ciena.

[14:05] Kayaker Magic: Everyone who can't hear this, please raise your hand.

[14:05] jamie akina left the region.

[14:05] Winterlight Bellic: ha ha Kayaker

[14:05] Morgan Poldark entered the region (68.60 m).

[14:05] Winterlight Bellic: I'm wearing two of your new necklaces

[14:05] OldeSoul Eldemar entered the region (11.81 m).

[14:05] Jewel Hunter entered the region (15.30 m).

[14:05] Neytiri Omatikaya: hiya Olde *hugs*

[14:05] Keira Alzael: lol

[14:05] OldeSoul Eldemar: thanks Ney

[14:05] Winterlight Bellic: wow chat lag

[14:05] Neytiri Omatikaya: yw :)

[14:06] Kira Whitehawk is offline.

[14:06] Kira Whitehawk left the region.

[14:06] jamie akina entered the region (14.34 m).

[14:06] Fayre Scribe entered the region (68.49 m).

[14:06] Balpien Hammerer: We are set to 80 avatars max here. We have tested up to 50 so far :)

[14:06] hotcuddly bear: Hi to everyone

[14:06] PattiakSahara String: Hugs Olde

[14:06] JayR.Cela @grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002 entered the region (68.66 m).

[14:06] MrMikie String: Hey OS

[14:06] Drew Hunter left the region.

[14:06] Tenbears Running: Turn your voice on, no need to speak at all

[14:06] Modee Parlez: yup hear you :)

[14:06] Lindee Ellsmere: Hi cuddly!!

[14:06] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to PattiakSahara*

[14:06] Kittylove stillwater: thank you for all the tp's i received

[14:06] MrMikie String: 47

[14:06] Drew Hunter entered the region (68.61 m).

[14:07] Winterlight Bellic: 4i on now

[14:07] Modee Parlez: can't hear :(

[14:07] Bastien Falconvale: Greetings, Olde.

[14:07] Kira Whitehawk is online.

[14:07] Kira Whitehawk entered the region (68.66 m).

[14:07] MrMikie String: 48

[14:07] MrMikie String: 49

[14:07] MrMikie String: Hi Modee

[14:07] Glitz Carpaccio entered the region (13.44 m).

[14:07] Calnia Westland: Hi Ama

[14:07] MrMikie String: 50

[14:07] Tenbears Running: A notecard of todays meeting will be available at the conclusion of todays information

[14:07] Cobra Slithering entered the region (16.34 m).

[14:07] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to Bastien*

[14:07] OldeSoul Eldemar: hello waiting on the chair

[14:07] Sheltie Moomintoog: Hi all :)

[14:07] OldeSoul Eldemar: there we go

[14:07] Bastien Falconvale waves back to Neytiri!

[14:07] Winterlight Bellic: toggle voice Modee, and make sure you have it turned up on your primary sound controller

[14:08] Balpien Hammerer: We'll set out the notecard in a moment.

[14:08] Modee Parlez: hi mikie :)

[14:08] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: can't hear voice is deactivated because of lame internet

[14:08] OldeSoul Eldemar: hey there everyone !

[14:08] MoonMaiden Horner: ooppss sorry if I sat on anyone

[14:08] Winterlight Bellic: y'all come on back here

[14:08] Drew Hunter: hello all

[14:08] Winterlight Bellic: plenty of room in the back row

[14:08] Balpien Hammerer: Just getting that ready presently.

[14:08] Yichard Muni: we are 51!!

[14:08] Yichard Muni: Olde!!

[14:08] Lindee Ellsmere: Hi Olde and anyone I missed !! :-)

[14:08] jamie akina: hi olde

[14:08] Winterlight Bellic: Hi Lindee!

[14:08] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: Belated Hi All

[14:08] jamie akina: hi kith

[14:08] jamie akina: hi kira miss

[14:08] Larry Gotem entered the region (68.61 m).

[14:08] Calnia Westland: not sure Drew can sit with the big ole backpack on  :)

[14:08] Lindee Ellsmere: Hi Winter! xo

[14:08] Cobra Slithering: hey there kithy agai

[14:08] Glitz Carpaccio: thank you and I heard when arrived

[14:09] Balpien Hammerer: :)

[14:09] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to Kith & Kira*

[14:09] Kith Whitehawk: Hiya

[14:09] Cobra Slithering: hey there AGAIN!

[14:09] Winterlight Bellic: I can sit with these ass-kicking wings I think he's okay

[14:09] Balpien Hammerer: We will be starting shortly.

[14:09] Winterlight Bellic: hearing hearing hearing lol

[14:09] MrMikie String: Hi Fayre

[14:09] Yichard Muni: toastinG

[14:09] Yichard Muni: ?

[14:09] sue brook: hi all

[14:09] Kira Whitehawk: waves and sends a hug to Ney!

[14:09] Neytiri Omatikaya *waves to Jewel & Drew*

[14:09] Neytiri Omatikaya *hugs Calnia*

[14:09] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: no luck

[14:09] Ciena Wyllo: 52 ppl here :)

[14:09] Calnia Westland: Hugs Ney!  :)

[14:09] Ciena Wyllo: good turnout

[14:09] Fayre Scribe: can't hear anything.. and I'm a cloud

[14:10] Magnum 44: wait there no community paticipation?

[14:10] Calnia Westland: haha Ten

[14:10] Balpien Hammerer: .

[14:10] Lindee Ellsmere: LOL

[14:10] MoonMaiden Horner: lol

[14:10] Ciena Wyllo: lol

[14:10] Jay Copperfield: Grins

[14:10] Neytiri Omatikaya *(Enable inworld voice to hear)*

[14:10] Winterlight Bellic: I'm sure it's genuine

[14:10] Kayaker Magic: Dang, I should have bought myself one of those watches!

[14:10] Hazumi Kaze: didnt know chinese made rolex

[14:10] Kith Whitehawk: oh yes....   guy on corner said so

[14:10] Modee Parlez: Kayaker brougth you a watch from china ?

[14:10] Harmony Beningborough: lol

[14:10] OldeSoul Eldemar: I have had trouble on a few grids now-

[14:10] MrMikie String: HAHAHAHA

[14:11] Cobra Slithering: lol

[14:11] Katie Kat entered the region (68.60 m).

[14:11] Magnum 44: Modee like sea watches whatever that is

[14:11] Cobra Slithering: china makes almost everything

[14:11] OldeSoul Eldemar: with voice - watch it MrMikie

[14:11] MrMikie String: do you remember which grid OS?

[14:11] PattiakSahara String: Hugs Katie, ntsy!!

[14:11] Yichard Muni: yeah::!!

[14:11] Magnum 44: Jay can ya move out oklf the way?

[14:11] Kayaker Magic: Wonderful!

[14:11] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: says can't connect to vox server

[14:12] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: apart of my lousy internet service

[14:12] Harmony Beningborough: lol

[14:12] Winterlight Bellic: LOL

[14:12] MoonMaiden Horner: lol

[14:12] Cobra Slithering: i hear nothing just ssomeone typing

[14:12] talia rosher: I still cannot hear anything at all, so if anyone is transcribing, I need the notes

[14:12] Balpien Hammerer: ntes forthcoming.

[14:12] Winterlight Bellic: there will be a NC afterwards

[14:12] jamie akina: hear fine

[14:13] Fayre Scribe: will something be sent out in notices after?

[14:13] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: no point being here if it's on voice

[14:13] Jay Copperfield: Yes, Fayre

[14:13] Keira Alzael: There will be a video posted

[14:13] Magnum 44: sakid there be a notecard

[14:13] Fayre Scribe: great.. I can't get voice at all.. and I'll prob. crash. :)

[14:13] Autumn 919: so hard for me to understand English people hahah

[14:13] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: will have to look at it later

[14:13] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster: later

[14:13] Fayre Scribe: but I tried.

[14:13] Cobra Slithering: my morphing is disabled

[14:14] Beau SilverMyst entered the region (13.52 m).

[14:14] Notecard Giver  - Community Meeting Oct2018: Script running

[14:14] Tanya Matahari entered the region (68.63 m).

[14:14] sue brook left the region.

[14:14] Keira Alzael: Applauds!

[14:14] talia rosher: who is taking the notes of the meeting, so I can contact them afterwards for a copy??

[14:14] Keira Alzael: awww hugs

[14:15] Balpien Hammerer: notes are in the note card giver.

[14:15] talia rosher: I cannot hear anything

[14:15] Balpien Hammerer: Talia, grab notes from the notecard giver.

[14:15] Keira Alzael: Oh good

[14:15] Cobra Slithering left the region.

[14:15] talia rosher: oh, really? bal

[14:15] talia rosher: thank you

[14:16] DJ_DeadMan Blastmaster left the region.

[14:16] Keira Alzael: Excellent

[14:16] Kith Whitehawk: hugs Angel - best wishes to you...

[14:16] Keira Alzael: Applauds


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